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Hacksaw Ridge
Hacksaw Ridge
Official flyer promotion of a special showing of Hacksaw Ridge
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Official NRC Polo Shirt Logo
July 27, 2023

The New River Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America in conjunction with the Desmond Doss Foundation proudly presented a showing of the award winning film Hacksaw Ridge on July 27, 2023 at the Parkway Theater in West Jefferson, NC.

The admission was FREE TO ALL and the audience exceeded 100 attendees! A free will offering was also made in a request to persons in attendance and netted over $600 that was shared in equal amounts with the Desmond Doss Foundation.

The New River Chapter membership were encouraged to share information about the showing to friends and colleges. Members who attended included Steve Tucker, Don Goodhart, Bob Clark, Doug Ehrhardt and honorary member Pam Garner.

Of special significance, the Chapter's Chair of Programs, COL Charles Knapp, MC, USA (Ret.) a MOAA life member, was a special consultant for the film and attended production in Australia during the making of the movie where he met Mel Gibson and many of the principle actors. Charles was recognized in the credits that were shown at the conclusion of the film.

Open the link to the Doss Foundation here to learn more... Post Info
Posted 08.01/23 21:20 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1688851213
New River Chapter Uses a USAA Community Foundation Grant to Help a Local Surviving Spouse
May 23, 2023

The New River Chapter recently completed a project using 2022-2023 funds from a MOAA/USAA Community Foundation Grant that enabled hiring the services of Carlos Garcia Construction to replace a roof on the home of a surviving spouse.

Open a multi-page presentation on the project by clicking here or by selecting the downloadable file shown below the photograph.

Thanks to MOAA and USAA for making it possible for our Chapter to eliminate any housing insecurity for Norma Stansberry, a deserving, surviving spouse of USAF Airman 2nd Class Billy Stansberry.

Post Info
Posted 06/01/23 15:26:06 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1685633166
New River Chapter holds Music Fest for Veterans at the Ashe County Civic Center
New River Chapter holds Music Fest for Veterans at the Ashe County Civic Center
USA, USMC, USN, USAF USCG and Never Forgotten Service Flags on Display
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Ashe County Civic Center
May 20, 2023

The New River Chapter held a Music Fest for Veterans at the Ashe County Civic Center on May 20, 2023. The featured music group, Little Horse Band, provided four 30 minute sets of music for attendees who paid $10 to enjoy the show from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. During breaks, three veterans were singled out to receive a "Healing Quilt" that was presented by two members of the Ashe County Piecemakers Quilt Guild to recognize their service.

Shown in the photographic array (above) are some of the veterans and their quilts. The top picture has (L to R): Membership Chair CDR Mik Mikulan, honorary member Earl Inge, Chapter President LCDR Steve Tucker, Personal Affairs Chair and Surviving Spouse Liaison Barbara Sears, Past Chapter President CAPT Doug Ehrhardt, member spouse Bobbie Worley, Board member LCDR James Bumgarner and Treasurer LTC Bob Worley.

Thanks to the Ashe County Piecemakers Quilt Guild for their unwavering support in this memorable day of music and remembrance.

Many of the photographs starting with Little Horse Band have deep blue shades as it wasn't possible to raise the house lighting between sets to get good pictures.

Post Info
Posted 05/29/23 17:57:09 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1685383029
Ashe County High School JROTC Award Presentations
May 16, 2023

The New River Chapter presented two awards to deserving Junior ROTC students at the Ashe County High School on May 16, 2023 as pictured in the accompanying image(s).

* Kudos to Cadets Noblett and Vandergraff.

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Posted 05/25/23 17:20 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1685035244
Junior ROTC Award Presentation at the North Wilkesboro High School
May 4, 2023

CAPT Doug Ehrhardt, USN, (Ret.), presented the MOAA Leadership Award to a rising junior at the North Wilkesboro High School on May 4, 2023. Shown (right) is CAPT Ehrhardt presenting the leadership award certificate to Lt Col Sapp for Bravo Flight Commander, Cadet 2Lt Katelyn Lefever who was not able to be present at the ceremony.

* Kudos to Cadet Lefever.

Post Info
Posted 05/25/23 17:35:26 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1685036126
Michael (Mik) Mikulan Recognition in Watauga Democrat
Michael (Mik) Mikulan Recognition in Watauga Democrat
USPHS CDR Michael (Mik) Mikulan
March 29, 2023

New River Chapter member Mik Mikulan was featured in a repost of a story regarding his career in the March 29, 2023 Watauga Democrat on page 18A that was a feature for Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day. Open the link below to read the article.

Kudos to our Chapter's Membership Chair, Mik Mikulan.

Mik Mikulan post in the Watauga Democrat Post Info
Posted 04/22/23 18:06 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1682186786
New River Chapter Applies MOAA/USAA Community Foundation Grant
New River Chapter Applies MOAA/USAA Community Foundation Grant
Home of Army Veteran, Billy Sievert
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COL Charles Knapp and CAPT Doug Ehrhardt with the Sieverts
January 11, 2023

The New River Chapter received funds via the MOAA/USAA Community Foundation Grant in 2022, the funds of which were applied to contracting for, and completing repairs to the home of Army Veteran Billy Sievert.

The Chapter's Program Chair, COL Charles Knapp, MC, USA, Ret. who is shown left and was principal coordinator for the repair. Also shown is Chapter Past President CAPT Doug Ehrhardt, MSC, USN, Ret. who is shown right, and met with Billy and his daughter, Terry Hopkins to provide a pictorial shot with kudos to MOAA and USAA.

Thanks for the funding support of the USAA Community Foundation Grant to assist in reducing the housing insecurity for the Sieverts from the badly leaking roof.

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Posted 05/29/23 17:29:06 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1685381346
Passing of Former New River Chapter Member
Passing of Former New River Chapter Member
Porter Hicks

Only recently after running into Lois Rhodes in WJ was I made aware that her husband, Porter Hicks, former New River Chapter member, had passed away in 2022.

Lois shared that both she and Porter had a cold earlier in the year, but in his case it continued on to pneumonia, being hospitalized, and after 13 days on a ventilator, he passed away.

Porter was a Chapter member in the early days of our Chapter and served as Legislative representative for a brief period.

Lois also shared that she will be moving to Montana shortly to be with her daughter.

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Posted 10/07/22 11:26 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1665156365
BOTM - Another Successful Membership Outing
BOTM - Another Successful Membership Outing
Park entrance at Mount Jefferson
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Good eats being prepared on the grill
September 15, 2022

Twenty New River Chapter members AND High Country Chapter guests enjoyed another successful Breakfast on the Mountain on Thursday, September 15, 2022 atop Mount Jefferson State Park.

Open the many photographs - courtesy of Membership Chair, Mik Mikulan - that highlight the good food, good fun and camaraderie of our dedicated MOAA Chapter members.

Best news for the outing was it resulted in a new member, Mik Mikulan’s guest Randy Cook...WELCOME!

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Posted 09/16/22 10:54 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1663340097
New River's Own, Barbara Sears Memorial Day Celebration Speech
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Barbara Sears
May 29, 2022

Barbara Sears, New River Chapter Personal Affairs Chair, was the presenter at the Memorial Day Celebration at Ashelawn Veteran's Cemetery on May 29, 2022.

Read her speech here:

Good afternoon, COL Hollis, Mr. Josh Roten, Sheriff Howell, Cadets from the Ashe County High School JROTC, ladies and gentlemen,

As I was thinking about what I would say today, my earliest memories of patriotism came to mind. When I was a child I lived in Panama City, Panama. My father was a State Department employee; we were American citizens. I chattered away in Spanish with my little friends as we rode bikes and roller skated-doing the things that kids do here in this country. At the time the United States controlled the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone was home to American military families, several military bases, and American schools. I attended school in the Canal Zone. Not only did I attend school in the Canal Zone, but it’s where I took swimming lessons and ballet classes. Those extracurricular activities ended at 4:30 in the afternoon and our mother would let us play on the playground until a bugler sounded “Retreat” at 5:00. We’d hop off the swings as soon as the first notes sounded, stand ramrod straight and put our hands over our hearts. When the bugle was silenced, we’d pile in the car and return to our neighborhood in the city. I played patriotic music on 78 RPM records left over from my father’s WWII days in Special Services at Ft. Sam Houston in Texas. I’d march around the apartment feeling the excitement of the music, feeling proud to be an American, even though I had no memory of ever living in this country. So, I had been a child-patriot for many, many, many years. (I won’t tell you how many, but if you remember 78 RPM records, you and I are probably about the same age!)

When we returned to the United States permanently, we moved to a small town that celebrated the 4th of July with a wonderful parade: high school marching bands, bagpipes, kids riding their bikes decorated in red, white, and blue, the JROTC. Flag waving at its best!

My patriotism got an extra shot of adrenaline when I married Commander Scott Sears. The next 30 years were filled with military ceremonies, military bands, cannon volleys, gun salutes, uniforms, and flags. When he died of a neuromuscular disease in 2011, I unfortunately experienced the ultimate show of patriotism- his burial at Arlington Cemetery complete with a horse-drawn caisson, the Navy band, and a multiple gun salute.

​So, I stand here today full of pride to be an American, to live in Ashe County, and to be sharing these moments with you.

​Memorial Day is not a day of celebration. It is a solemn day- a day to remember those who have paid the ultimate price for our right to assemble here, to speak freely, to choose our government officials, to go anywhere we wish, to enjoy all of the rights spelled out for us in the Declaration of Independence, our Bill of Rights and our Constitution. We are who and where we are because of men and women from all over our country who answered the call to defend our rights. They answered the call during the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Spanish-American War, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, Korean War, Viet Nam, Desert Storm and the Gulf War. We owe them this day of remembrance. ​

There are statistics stating how many died in each of the wars, but they are not just numbers nor names on a black granite wall. They were people like you and I who believed that what they left at home was worth defending, even if it meant losing their lives. So today I remember specific people whom I cannot forget.

I remember Richard Gray whom my brother and I played with when we were growing up. A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, he was ready for take-off on a tarmac in Viet Nam when a sniper ended his life.

I remember Sgt. Dillon Baldridge, who rests eternally right here. The 22-year-old soldier died from wounds sustained in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, while supporting Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. I am reminded of Dillon’s sacrifice every time I go to Glendale Springs as the bridge once known as Sheets Bridge is now named for him.

I think about COL Notley Maddox, an uncle by marriage, a pilot in the Air Force flying intelligence-gathering missions in Viet Nam when his plane went down. It was his twins’ 8th birthday. It is suspected that he became a POW. He never came home. He left a pair of twins and another son for his wife to raise on her own.

And lest we forget those who fought wars not fresh in our hearts and minds, let me remind you of those soldiers who shivered and starved through the Winter at Valley Forge. Or the battles at Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and Chancellorsville where brother fought brother on fields where corn once contentedly grew. Or the doughboys crouched in the muddy trenches of France.

Today we honor the fallen, but do we owe them more than a day of remembrance, gun salutes, flags on their graves, and flowers on the water? I believe we do. I quote Richelle Goodrich, an author whose father was a Viet Nam War veteran: “On this day, take time to remember those who have fallen. But on every day after, do more; put the freedoms they died for to greater and nobler uses.” That, I believe, is our duty: to honor their sacrifice by doing what we can “to put the freedoms they died for to greater and nobler uses.” Get involved in local government, fly a flag, take a walk through a national cemetery and if you are so inclined, pray for specific names on tombstones, thank a veteran for his or her service, support the military through local military organizations, re-read the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution.

I’ll share with you one small thing that I do: I carry several U.S. flags in my car and when I see a tattered one on someone’s flag pole, I leave a new one in their mailbox. ​​​

Ceremonies are important and I don’t minimize the outpouring of honor we pay those who made the ultimate sacrifice. But our gratitude has to be more than a once-a-year Memorial Day ceremony. We honor the dead best by treating the living well. Let me repeat that: we honor the dead best by treating the living well.

God bless those who paid the ultimate price.

God bless their grieving families.

God bless you.

And God bless the United States of America.

Post Info
Posted 06/01/22 12:55 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1654102559
New River Chapter Award Presentation to ACHS JROTC Student
New River Chapter Award Presentation to ACHS JROTC Student
CAPT Ehrhardt presents the leadership award to CadetCPT Jezik Martin
May 10, 2022

The New River Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) recently provided a leadership award to a deserving Junior ROTC students at Ashe County High School. The MOAA Leadership Award and medal was awarded to Cadet/CPT Jezik Martin.

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Posted May 24, 2021 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1653308887
New River Chapter Award Presentation to WCHS JROTC Student
New River Chapter Award Presentation to WCHS JROTC Student
CAPT Ehrhardt presents the leadership award to Cadet Kenia Hernandez
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May 3, 2022

The New River Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) recently provided a leadership award to a deserving Junior ROTC students at Wilkes Central High School. The MOAA Leadership Award and medal was awarded to Cadet 2nd Lieutenant Kenia Hernandez.

Post Info
Posted May 24, 2021 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1651716082
November 16, 2020



45TH House District

Phone Number: 919.733.9892 North Carolina House of Representatives

Room 2207, Legislative Building Raleigh, NC 27601




In North Carolina we’ve called ourselves “the most Military friendly state in the country” for quite some time. While it’s true that we’ve done a lot in the past 10 years to make North Carolina more military friendly, the one policy we didn’t have was to exclude Federal Military Retirement Pay from State Income Tax.

HB83 Eliminate Income Tax for Military Retirees was filed early this year. When filed by Representatives John Szoka, John Bradford, John Bell and Diane Wheatley, HB83 had strong bipartisan support in the House with a total of 59 bill sponsors and co-sponsors. On June 16, the House overwhelmingly passed the bill 100-5, in another major show of bipartisan support. Today, members of the Conference Committee on SB105, the state budget, signed the Conference Report which includes the text of HB83.

The timeliness of this action this close to Veterans Day is appropriate. Remember the words of our Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

What has kept these truths alive from the founding of our country until now is the Armed Forces of the United States. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and the Coast Guard who freely volunteered to defend our country and our way of life in both peacetime and wartime. They, their spouses, and family have sacrificed immeasurably over their careers. Including HB83 in the budget is a fitting recognition of those sacrifices and the value that we place in military retirees.

When this budget becomes law, then we can truly say that North Carolina is the most military friendly state in the country.

Contact: John Szoka (john.szoka@ncleg.net)

Representative John Szoka | North Carolina General Assembly 45th House District / Cumberland County

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Post Info
Posted 11/22/21 12:40:00 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1637602800
November 16, 2020



45TH House District

Phone Number: 919.733.9892 North Carolina House of Representatives

Room 2207, Legislative Building Raleigh, NC 27601




In North Carolina we’ve called ourselves “the most Military friendly state in the country” for quite some time. While it’s true that we’ve done a lot in the past 10 years to make North Carolina more military friendly, the one policy we didn’t have was to exclude Federal Military Retirement Pay from State Income Tax.

HB83 Eliminate Income Tax for Military Retirees was filed early this year. When filed by Representatives John Szoka, John Bradford, John Bell and Diane Wheatley, HB83 had strong bipartisan support in the House with a total of 59 bill sponsors and co-sponsors. On June 16, the House overwhelmingly passed the bill 100-5, in another major show of bipartisan support. Today, members of the Conference Committee on SB105, the state budget, signed the Conference Report which includes the text of HB83.

The timeliness of this action this close to Veterans Day is appropriate. Remember the words of our Declaration of Independence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

What has kept these truths alive from the founding of our country until now is the Armed Forces of the United States. Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and the Coast Guard who freely volunteered to defend our country and our way of life in both peacetime and wartime. They, their spouses, and family have sacrificed immeasurably over their careers. Including HB83 in the budget is a fitting recognition of those sacrifices and the value that we place in military retirees.

When this budget becomes law, then we can truly say that North Carolina is the most military friendly state in the country.

Contact: John Szoka (john.szoka@ncleg.net)

Representative John Szoka | North Carolina General Assembly 45th House District / Cumberland County

Post Info
Posted 11/22/21 12:44:27 by Douglas Ehrhardt Under General News Permalink 1637603067